Your congregation is on social media. The big question is…. Are you? Our Tent App package comes with a powerful social media management tool that allows you to easily stay in front of your congregation through your social media accounts.
Scheduling Social Media for Church
Tent App websites allow you to schedule out social media posts. This is an amazing tool and an instant time saver! For example, lets say you have a Spring Retreat coming up soon. When you post information on your website about your Spring Retreat, you can also setup scheduled future posts for each of your social media accounts within the same screen that you send this announcement to all your other communication channels within your Tent App website. You can customize each post to say something different to encourage your congregation to get signed up, release retreat details, and get more signups!
Automatic Posting
With our Single Click Church Announcement feature, you are able to quickly share a new church announcement to your congregation with the check of a box. Not only will you publish to all your social media for church accounts on one screen, you will also get to send that announcement out to your newsletter, mobile app, and website.