Online Sermons

Live Stream and host all your sermons in one place.

Stay connected with your congregation even when they can’t make it to church! With Tent Apps you can host all your sermons in one place and even stream your church services LIVE so people never miss a moment to connect.

Single Click

“Single Click” pushes to all your church communication platforms.
Social media, website, mobile app, newsletter, & TVs

online sermon

Watch Online Sermons

Don’t miss a single sermon

  • Live stream Sunday services with your church
  • Follow along online
  • Sermon notes
  • Sermon verse or passage of scripture


Upload All Your Sermon Series

Keep your congregation up to date even when they can’t be there!

Search and find all your sermons based on speaker, series, passage, and more!

YouTube, Vimeo, etc. 

We integrate seamlessly with YouTube, Vimeo, and just about any online video hosting and streaming service!

Custom Sermon Series Images

Create captivating series images right from your Tent Apps dashboard! No more wasting time and money on design software.

Sermon Notes and Scripture

Upload sermon notes so anyone watching can follow along on their laptop, desktop, or even on their phone through your very own church app!

Search Your Entire Content Inventory 

You can seamlessly search your entire sermon archive by:

  • Date
  • Speaker
  • Sermon Series
  • Scripture passage
  • and more!

Get Started

Check out our all-in-one communication system for yourself