The Easiest Church Bulletin Ever!
Times are changing and so are all of our communication systems.
But one things that is still holding strong is the value of a Sunday morning church bulletin.
Well…we’ve got em!
With Tent Apps all-in-one church communication tools, we mean ALL IN ONE!
Our services come with a free addition of automatic church bulletins.
This means no more fooling with overly complicated publishing softwares, no more wondering if the right announcements made the final print. No more worrying about typos or misinformation!
Tent Apps automatically pulls the announcements you want printed in your Sunday morning bulletin, and plugs them into a sleek and simple layout, including your welcome statement, the order of worship, and any sermon notes you may want to include in your bulletin.
All you have to do is hit print and fold and your church bulletin is ready for Sunday morning services!
And if your church is moving toward paperless, Tent Apps has you covered too!
Each week your bulletin will automatically load to your personalized church mobile app, so your congregation can have all the information they need right in the palm of their hand!!!
With Tent Apps, bulletins have never been simpler or quicker, giving back to you what is most important, your time.
So go be with your church community,
let Tent Apps take care of making your Sunday church bulletin for you!
Get the most out of your church bulletin! Follow us for expert advice & resources ⛪️ #churchwebsites #churchadmin #churchbulletin