Tent Apps Campus Ministry Tools

3 Reasons to Use Tent Apps for Campus Ministry Orientations This Summer

by | Jun 1, 2022



Nearly 20 million new students will step onto a college campus this fall, but before they do, they will attend an orientation. And as a college campus ministry, this is a prime time for you and your team to connect with these students and start a relationship that could change their lives forever!

Congratulations, campus ministry friends!

You made it through another school year. But as we all know, with summer comes orientations, and orientations means there is a lot to do and lots of students to meet.

Throughout orientations, you are constantly trying to gather students’ information, reach out to them, and get them connected with your campus ministry in the fall. With all that activity and information, sometimes things get lost in the weeds by the time the fall semester rolls around. That means losing opportunities to connect with students on your college campus! Well, today I want to show you a tool that’s going to help make your orientations and your database of student information a whole lot easier for you.

With Tent Apps Church Communications, you can easily obtain, organize, and utilize new student contact information in one easy location. This is all done through one simple form! So here are three reasons to use Tent Apps Simple Forms for your college ministry orientation needs!


1. Tent Apps Simple Forms easily load to a tablet or phone.


With Tent Apps Simple Forms, you can easily customize the information you want to collect from college students. These forms can easily be thrown onto any laptop, smart phone, or tablet, such as a iPad or Kindle. This way, students can fill out the form while you are free to tell them about all the great events and programs you have waiting for them in the fall!


2. Tent Apps Simple Forms automatically sends follow up emails to your new subscribers


Simple Forms works with the rest of your Tent Apps church communication tools by immediately adding new subscribers’ information to your ministry or church database. Once a student’s information has been submitted, Tent Apps Simple Forms schedules a follow up email to reconnect with them a couple of days later. This helps maintain contact and makes it easier to be a familiar presence for any potential new students. And if you want, you can even schedule another automated follow up email at the start of the fall semester.

This is a great way to remind them of your upcoming events and get them connected in person with you and your college campus ministry! Tent Apps has created effective email templates for you so all you have to do is get a student’s information and we will do the rest. Or if you like, you can create your own custom email templates to fit your brand.


3. Tent Apps allows you to send mass text messages and emails to your database, without losing the personal touch


With your Tent Apps Church Database, you can easily schedule and send out mass text messages or mass emails to your church database. You can choose to send to all or send to sections of students based on specific categories.


But the real magic is in the response.


You can personalize your mass messages so the student or subscriber feels like you’re connecting with them individually. And what’s more…THEY CAN RESPOND! Anytime a student receives a message from you, they can simply reply and all their replies will only go to you, not to the entire group. When they do respond to you, you can respond back to them and only them! This is an incredible way to streamline communications without losing the personal touch that makes ministry special!


Simple Forms is an incredible tool to help maximize your time and efforts connecting with students at orientation this summer. But Simple Forms is only one of dozens of features that Tent Apps offers to help you stay connected to your students without spending all your time on the myriad of communication platforms. If you would like to see what all Tent Apps Church Communications can do for your college campus ministry, check us out at tentapps.com today!


Campus Ministry College Orientation 2

Campus Ministry College Orientation 2

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Tent Apps

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